How might you fill in the blank to this sentence:
The worst possible thing I could be is ______________.
single. married. overweight. underweight. short. tall. rich. poor. angry. passive. trusting. skeptical. etc. etc.
Beth Moore notes, “Unchecked desire can lead to desperation and desperation doesn’t make good decisions.” The desperation that fuels our desire to change what’s in the blank can lead to some pretty intense situations of hurt, sadness, anger, etc. Would it be fair to say that whatever it is that is the object of our desire that counters what we currently fill in the blank with often becomes what takes the place of what was in the blank? [That makes complete sense in my head and I hope it does written out as well!]
The worst possible thing I could be is a lost soul with no hope of spending eternity with God. The greatest need I have is salvation. Thanks be to God for meeting me in this need even while I sometimes focus more on filling in the blank with my own interpretation.
I’m reminded today of the need to ask the Holy Spirit to fill in the blank with God’s grace and mercy.