I was listening to a sermon recently that talked about how we often equate delay with denial. Our thinking goes like this: God must be denying a request because there is delay.
For the last several weeks, I have been working to get out of my lease so that I could move away from noisy neighbors and save some money on rent. There was a lot of delay in the process as I had to wait for formal letters to arrive from the leasing corporation that manages my property. I was pretty sure that the delay meant the denial of my request.
Somewhat surprisingly to me, my request was granted and I’ll be able to move out the end of September. This decision was made by a leasing corporation that is not known for being flexible.
What I learned through the delay wasn’t that God always meets the request but that He is always present during the request. Whether the answer is yes, no, or not right now, I can choose not to live life expecting less from God because of a delay.