One month ago, my friends graciously picked up everything I owned and moved it to my new apartment. As one of my friends noted, they actually picked up and moved everything I owned twice (once to get it out of the old place and once to get it in to the new place). That’s a lot of picking up and moving things.
I am a fairly ordered person. I was known as the chart queen in grad school. I like things to be organized. My world works best when I can create an outline for any task before me and when I can cross things off my errand list in rapid fire succession. If you have ever moved, you know that none of aforementioned preferences for how I like to live my life are easy to hold on to as you try to figure out which box your slippers are in (I still haven’t found them and my toes are getting tired of waiting…).
In many ways, staring at a pile of boxes for the last month has reminded much about the sovereignty of God. He knows what kind of world I like to live in. He knows my inherent reaction to chaos. And He says to me, “My peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27).
My life in boxes may be troubling on some level, but God’s peace reaches deep within my (dis)ordered world and offers stability. It’s not about the boxes. It’s about the One who has left His gracious peace with me.
Here’s to letting God order my world (and I wait expectantly to find my slippers in the process).